What you need to know about spare parts in the automotive industry

Answers to the most pressing antitrust, regulatory and IP law issues.

On Wednesday, 15 September 2021, we dived with you into the legal world of spare parts.

Our speakers provided ideas and answers to the most pressing issues on antitrust law, trade mark and design protection, patent law and regulatory aspects, and highlight regional specifics, differences and overlaps. Among others, we addressed the following questions:

  • What design rights make sense to register for spare parts and why to register spare part numbers as trade marks?
  • What do I need to know about patent protection for spare parts and what are the rules for repair?
  • How can I use regulatory opportunities (such as the regulators, market entry requirements, certification/homologation, etc.) to my advantage to protect and solidify my position in the spare parts business?
  • What nasty antitrust surprises are waiting for me?

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