
Financial Institutions

Financial technology is changing the face of financial services and overturning assumptions about the way they are delivered. Disruptive technologies are challenging the traditional models for the provision of services.

Our cross-border, multidisciplinary teams provide the insight you need, wherever you need it. Whether it is assisting you with structural reform, competition investigations, patenting new technology, or entering new markets and developing new products, we can put together a team tailored to your needs.

We work across all major market sectors, including retail and investment banks, intermediaries, peer to peer lenders, FinTech companies, alternative lenders, asset managers, infrastructure providers as well as, industry bodies and regulators. This means we bring a complete market view to your projects.

Strong relationships with local, national, and supranational regulatory bodies mean we can navigate regulations to find solutions or lobby for change where none can be found.

Our knowledge of what is happening across our sector can help you develop in new markets. We can assist in the design and rollout of new products or assist in the acquisition of new businesses.

Our ability to deliver on transatlantic contentious matters is unmatched. We can help you through major regulatory investigations or assist with internal reviews across your global business to ensure compliance with the complex web of regulatory requirements.

Because you work globally, so do we — with teams on the ground in major financial hubs and offices in the emerging economies.

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