
Across topics and issues, borders and industries, we have the thought leadership you need to stay ahead of changes in the law.

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Trademarking Italian place-names: 10 key Q&As and new rules for Milan

The latest of many Italian regulatory changes aimed at protecting the "Made in Italy" brand comes as the Municipality of Milan approved a new "Regulation for the release of...


Game on - Indonesia sets out ambitious development plans for the gaming industry

The Indonesian government has set out its plans for developing its still immature gaming industry, by enacting the Presidential Regulation No. 19 of 2024 on the Acceleration of National...

Insights and Analysis

The EU AI Act: an Impact Analysis (part 2)

The EU AI Act is on the verge of becoming the first law to specifically govern the use of artificial intelligence at a European level. In light of the extensive set of new obligations...


AI Ads & Deepfake Celebs & Misleading Claims, Oh My! – United States

The explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) offerings and integrations in recent years has sent sepia-toned twentieth-century legal doctrines scrambling to keep up with decidedly...


CES 2024: AI, Sustainability, Inclusivity and Living Technology

Our cross sector team enjoyed connecting with colleagues and friends at CES 2024 as well as taking a peek into the future. Our key takeaway: AI and sustainability were everywhere. AI...

Insights and Analysis

The EU AI Act: an impact analysis (part 1)

In December 2023, political agreement was reached by EU policy makers on all substantive aspects of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Since then, the close-to-final text of this...


CJEU confirms the limitations of MS’ powers to regulate online services providers based in other MS

On 9 November 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union has rendered a landmark decision which reiterates the ‘country-of-origin principle’ and paves the way for more...

Insights and Analysis

Digital Trust Whitepaper

Our whitepaper brings together the key sectors and themes across the topic of Digital Trust. Each chapter provides context and outlines the main areas of legal certainty, and provides...


New UAE commercial gaming regulatory authority

On 3 September 2023, it was announced that the UAE had established the General Commercial Gaming Regulatory Authority (“GCGRA”), a federal authority focused on...

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