EMEA Leadership Talks - Shaping the Future

In this webinar series, we look at how the COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization and a global focus on ESG have, and will continue, to redefine a range of industries and how we all do business within the EMEA region. Our panels will include speakers from leading organisations and Hogan Lovells lawyers from across the EMEA region.

1. The future of ... Employment

COVID-19 has brought massive disruption to workforces around the world as changes already under way before COVID-19 have accelerated. Emerging trends are likely to continue after the pandemic with profound implications for the workplace.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 employers have had to implement at record speed newly agile ways of working as office environments have become much more flexible. Companies have deployed more automation and artificial intelligence, for example by locating more robots within manufacturing plants and warehouses and by adding self-service customer desks and service robots across customer-facing departments.
The gig economy with its new forms of digital working such as “crowd work” is also an area of even greater focus for employers.

Our webinar takes you through the impact we see COVID-19 and developing technologies having on workplaces in the future. Our particular focus will be on the implications and consequences for employers across Europe. Our panel of senior HR executives will bring you case studies and real-world experiences to give depth and perspective to a highly topical set of issues.

8 September 2021 at 10:30 am BST / 11:30am CEST

Click here to watch the recording

2.  The future of … (Digital) Justice

The Future of Justice webinar takes us through what the forthcoming years have in store for the legal profession on the digital front, addressing issues such as virtual hearings, data protection, confidentiality, and cybersecurity. 

22 September 2021 at 10:30 am BST / 11:30am CEST

Click here to watch the recording

3.  The future of … (Digital) Trade

The Future of (Digital) Trade session will discuss how e-commerce and digitalism are re-shaping the traditional rules of international trade; how businesses can navigate through the current challenges; and how regulators can pick up the pace.
Join us to hear from our distinguished panel of speakers who will address topics including:

  • Digital realities reshaping trade patterns
  • Platform and data in the value chain - The ability to collect, store, analyse and transform data brings added power and competitive advantages.
  • How to bridge the divides and make cross-border e-commerce more inclusive and more sustainable
  • How to protect brands in an online world

6 October 2021 at 10:30 am BST / 11:30am CEST 

4.  The future of … (Digital) Health 

13 October 2021 at 10:30 am BST / 11:30am CEST

The Future of (Digital) Health session will look at how both technological developments and the Covid-19 pandemic have expedited change within Digital Health.
Join us to hear from our expert panel of speakers who will address topics including: 

  • Digital health technology in the pandemic era 
  • Digital asset development
  • Collaborations to access digital technology
  • Direct access to patients
  • Clinical studies in the digital-era
  • The future of AI in digital health 
  • IP protection
  • Litigation risks
Click here to watch the recording 

5.  The future of … Energy

3 November 2021 at 10:30 am GMT / 11:30am CET

The Future of Energy session will look at how a global focus on ESG and net zero will drive change in the energy industry and how we all consume energy.
Join us to hear from our expert panel of speakers who will address topics including: 

  • How the Energy Transition will evolve
  • What the Energy markets will look like in the future (national or regional players)
  • How emerging technology will define usage
  • Who will drive change (governments, investors, consumers?)

Click here to watch the recording 

6.  The future of … Cybersecurity 

15 December 2021 at 10:30 am GMT / 11:30am CET

The final webinar in our 2021 EMEA Leadership Talks is a lively and interactive case study examining the key challenges that companies face before, during, and after a cybersecurity attack, including cybersecurity preparedness, incident response, notification requirements, and litigation and regulatory enforcement risk. 

If you have any questions relating to any of the webinars in this series, please contact events.uk@hoganlovells.com

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